Credit: Unsplash/Honey Yanibel Minaya

The Writing Guides

Writing is an important part of an academic career regardless of the type of institution in which you work.

We all write, although some people have more dedicated time to do so, while others have to squeeze it in between too many other obligations.

None of us were really taught how to write well in graduate school. Yet, we’re expected to already know how to be prolific authors.

Writing matters and needs time, reflection and attention, and we help you cultivate the conditions for greater productivity and enhancement of your voice. 

We Can Come to You

with workshops and writing retreats on your campus!

You Can Come to Us

for a week or weekend of intensive writing, with workshops to build your skills.

We Offer Coaching

to help you integrate your writing with your career and life goals.

We Offer Editing

from structural overhauls to line editing.

We’re Experts

at writing for both academic and popular audiences. We’re specialists in social science writing, public scholarship, and creative nonfiction.

We Offer Sustained Mentoring

Once you attend our workshops and retreats, you are part of our network with continued introductions to writing partners, online conversations, and access to our consulting and editing services.

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